Up to 50% energy saving
replacement of old fans with energy-saving modern fan and motor technology
Benefits of EC centrifugal fans
- greater efficiency
- lower power consumption
- better airflow
- space saving

Converting your existing fans to EC fans offers several benefits. The most important of these is a gain of up to 50% more energy savings compared to AC fans. And further savings can be achieved simply by reducing the fan speed. The optimised airflow distribution saves energy and reduces noise levels.
Swap your old fans for “high efficiency” ones.

Energy saving through conversion to EC motorEnergy consumption

EC centrifugal fans
- easy to maintain
- easy to replace
- fast replacement thanks to short delivery times
- extremely low overall depth

Achievement of higher flow rates
In FanGrids, instead of there being one large fan, several small free-running EC fans operate in parallel. The resulting redundancy increases reliability. In addition, several adjustable fans can be better adapted to the actual air flow required, which increases efficiency at all operating points.

Securing state subsidies now
Many ventilation systems are hidden energy guzzlers that account for up to 50% of energy costs in offices, public buildings, research institutes and companies. They are often not optimally adjusted, and contain obsolete components and are oversized. As a result, you waste energy unnecessarily and generate high operating costs. Optimisation measures alone can usually reduce energy costs by about 30%. If more efficient components such as EC motors are also installed, energy costs can be reduced on average by almost half.
The German “Querschnittstechnologien” (general-purpose technologies) programme, for example, subsidises the purchase of fans, systems and heat recovery as well as the optimisation of technical systems. In addition, the KfW development bank offers reduced-interest loans with repayment subsidies for the rehabilitation of non-residential buildings or for individual measures in companies.