Concept development and planning
Supply and exhaust air systems
With energy- and resource-efficient supply and exhaust air systems for industrial and process ventilation, laboratory ventilation and air conditioning, and hospital ventilation and air conditioning, HLU supports you in your current challenges. In the comfort sector, our supply and exhaust air systems ensure comfort and wellbeing. You will receive a system that is precisely matched to the building and the way it is used.

Industrial Air
Reducing energy and operating costs while ensuring environmental protection and occupational safety are increasingly becoming key factors in industry.
To protect your employees, products and the environment, we design and develop supply and exhaust air systems that are precisely tailored to your production processes.
Based on your needs, HLU develops supply and exhaust air systems that remove dust, paint mist or toxic fumes in an environmentally friendly manner and ensure optimum production ventilation.

Medicine and Laboratory Air
High-tech companies, the pharmaceutical industry and hospitals: HLU is your partner for customised supply and exhaust air systems for areas where the highest levels of safety and hygiene are essential.
We plan your system according to your specific needs in terms of safety, environment, hygiene and economic requirements. If required, we fulfil the criteria of biological safety levels S1 to S3 as well as the conditions for clean room technology.

University and School Air
Your goal is to create the best possible learning conditions in schools and universities. With HLU, you have an experienced team at your side to ensure a pleasant indoor climate, which contributes significantly to the wellbeing of schoolchildren and students.
Both evaporation from materials and people and heat and moisture loads are removed in an environmentally friendly manner, and the rooms are supplied with fresh air energy-efficiently.

Comfort Air
Whether it’s a shopping centre, office building, museum or hotel, we create the highest level of comfort in your daily environment so that you, and your customers, employees and guests can feel completely at ease.
Temperature and humidity are optimally adapted to requirements, while we ensure noise and foreign particles are minimised. Our air-conditioning and ventilation systems are perfectly adapted to the building and to user behaviour so that comfort and economic efficiency are optimally combined.
With HLU, you have a powerful team working with you to create the best possible overall solution for your project.